Oneness With God

Authored By Ronald E. Richardson

2nd Edition: A Christian Attorney’s Analysis of What It Means to be Created in the Image and after the Likeness of God

2nd Edition

material and insight
expounds upon new interpretations of scripture
prepares the reader for the expansion of theme


Attorney Ronald E. Richardson’s real passion is his faith in Jesus Christ aka Yeshua HaMashiach. His obsession with man’s inability to come to terms with the concept of being created to be God in the flesh has led him to publish his first book, “Oneness With God: A Christian Attorney’s Analysis of What It Means to be Created in the Image and After the Likeness of God” in 2006 with Beckham Publications Group, Inc. He was the first recipient of the Agape Gospel Academy literary award presented at the Apollo Theater in February, 2007.

Since then, Ron has embarked on a further theological exploration into the mysteries of God to be examined in his Revised Edition. Ron, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has decided to revise his current publication by inserting additional material and insight. In the revised edition described here, he modifies some of the content in the 2006 edition; he expounds upon new interpretations of scripture that will amaze and excite even the most ardent Christians and prepares the reader for the expansion of theme he will explore in the new title.

Ron is convinced that God is orchestrating the timeliness and uniqueness of his vision; the substantial readership audience that exists for his platform, and his ability to captivate that audience by pursuing various marketing platform strategies.


Biblical Topics Discussed

Interpretations Of Biblical Passages That Invite Further Discussion

Upon our glorification, all children of God will be mirror images of Jesus Christ and that means we will be fully God and fully man in answer to Jesus’s prayer in John 17.

All spiritually re-born children of God are members of the Spiritual Body of Christ. We have eternal life because Jesus is eternal. Inside Him, we have everything. Outside Him, we have nothing.

All that God is and does is centered on love.

Our triune Godhead exists in an everything-at-the-same-time eternity.

The breath of life, breathed into the nostrils of Adam, was the Word of God, the pre- incarnate Jesus.

All mankind was written into the Book of Life before the foundation of the world and are blotted out only if they die in their sins.

All of creation was, in fact, created in the span of six literal days.

God’s limitless faith, powered by His perfect love that hopes all things and never fails, is the means through which all things exist and consist.

Man was created to have the appearance and characteristics of God.

Adam and Eve sinned in all three ways a person can sin.

It was normal for Adam and Eve to communicate with the animals under their dominion. 


Adam and Eve (and their progeny) did not fully understand selfless and unconditional love. So, God demonstrated this kind of love through the sacrifice of his only begotten Son for the salvation of our souls.

Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, no person shall live more than 999 years or 1 day from God’s perspective.

Satan deceived himself into undoing the consequences of his deception of Adam and Eve.

Our glorified bodies will not contain any blood.

Having a servant-of-all mentality is the only way to be simultaneously the greatest and the least in the Kingdom of God.

As priestly kings, we shall be members of an existing Order after Melchizedek, with Jesus as the High Priest.

When God speaks, He speaks Jesus, His Word. When Jesus speaks, he speaks the Members of his spiritual Body. This is the extent of our spiritual oneness with God. Therefore, when we speak, our words have the power of God in them.

"Named as one of the top-100 lawyers in Maryland by the National Black Lawyers organization, Richardson and his skills as a litigation attorney are on full display in the book's text, which blends takes on Christianity with poignant anecdotes from his own life and a detailed reading of the Bible."

Kirkus Reviews

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